Early voting for parliamentary elections kicks off

Outbound tourists stand in a long line to cast ballots before their departure at a polling station at Incheon International Airport, April 5, the first day of two-day early voting for the April 10 general elections. Yonhap

Early voting for next week’s parliamentary elections kicked off on Friday for a two-day run.Eligible voters are able to cast ballots at 3,565 polling stations nationwide from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the two-day period.Rival parties have stepped up calls for voters to cast their ballots in the early voting, seeking to maximize the turnout in the parliamentary elections seen as crucial for the Yoon Suk Yeol government at its midterm.

The ruling People Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon and all of the party’s candidates are scheduled to cast their ballots later in the day. The main opposition Democratic Party has also urged voters to visit polling stations during the period, with an aim of achieving the advance voting turnout of over 30 percent.According to a survey conducted jointly by Yonhap News Agency and Yonhap News TV earlier this week, 80 percent of respondents expressed a definite intention to cast their votes.Among those intending to vote, 39 percent plan to visit polling stations during the early voting period, while 58 percent intend to vote on Election Day next 슬롯놀이터 Wednesday

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