Its World’s Most Beautiful Soccer Player’s Girlfriend Nude Photo Revealed in Bed

The world’s most beautiful soccer player girlfriend released nude photos.

Marc Bartra (32, Real Betis), who played for Barcelona and Dortmund, is a center back playing for Betis. He divorced his wife, Melissa Jimenez, whom he married in 2017, last year. Bartra is dating a new girlfriend who is a model. 지울프-토토

The main character is 27-year-old model Jessica Goicochea. She is a Spanish model who boasts 1.8 million followers on social media. Jessica enjoys public interactions, including her appearance with Bartra at the Latin Grammy Awards ceremony.

Jessica recently became a hot topic by posting nude photos of herself in bed on her own SNS. She had just woken up and was dressed without any clothes on. She was photographed in a sexy pose covering herself with a blanket.

Fans hide their envy by saying, “This is the girlfriend of the sexiest soccer player in the world,” “There’s a reason Bartra can’t play soccer,” “What would it be like to date such a sexy girl?” and “Bartra has the world.” I couldn’t do it.

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