Figure general Kim Yerim tops Finlandia Trophy short

Figure women’s singles standout Kim Yerim (Dankook University) took first place in the short program at the Challenger competition, a test run ahead of the Grand Prix Series.
Kim finished first in the women’s single short program at the International Ice Skating Union (ISU) Finlandia Trophy in Espoo, Finland, on Sunday (Feb. 7) with a technical score of 37.98, an artistic score of 33.32, a deduction of 1.00 and a total score of 70.20.
The Finlandia Trophy is a challenger competition, one level below the Grand Prix Series, where athletes typically compete to test their conditioning or gain real-world experience.
Kim will compete in the fourth and sixth ISU Grand Prix events of the 2023-2024 season.
During the first task, a triple lutz-triple toe loop combination jump, Kim was judged to have an Attention (attention to edge) on the leading jump and a Quarter Landing (lack of jump rotation at the 90-degree level) on the connecting jump, 카지노사이트킴 which deducted 0.98 points from her performance score (GOE), but she executed all subsequent performance tasks without error.
The second task, a double axel, was executed flawlessly, earning a GOE of 1.05 points, and the subsequent sit spin was executed at the highest level of difficulty, Level 4.
In the second half of the routine, which is worth 10% extra points, she executed a perfect triple flip for a GOE of 1.86 and finished the routine with a step sequence, a flying camel spin, and a change foot combination spin, all executed at level 4.
Her partner, Wee Seoyoung (Surigyo), finished in 15th place with a TES of 23.38, PCS of 26.04, and a 2.00 deduction for a total of 47.42 points.
Kim Yerim and Wee Seo-young will compete in the free skate on Monday afternoon.
Meanwhile, men’s single Cha Young-hyun (Korea University) improved his personal best (136.74) in the free skate with a TES score of 69.95, PCS score of 72.43 and total score of 142.38.
Adding his 68.77 short program score from the previous day, Cha earned a total of 211.15 points to finish seventh.