A one-man show with 4 hits for the first time in the NC infield’s promising debut! I saw the effect of Younghoon’s magic

NC Dinos’ promising infield star Kim Taek-woo contributed to the team’s victory by hitting 4 hits in his first game in his debut.

Kim Taek-woo, who joined NC as a foster player this season after attending Yushin High School and Yonsei University

played as shortstop number 9 in the Futures away game against Samsung held at Gyeongsan Ball Park on the 10th and scored 4 hits, 4 hits, 1 RBI, and 3 runs. NC beat Samsung 9-4 with 14 long and short hits.

After the game, Kim Taek-woo posted on the club’s Future Team’s official Instagram, “I was out last month due to a left finger injury

but returned this month.

I am practicing with coach Young-hoon Cho and making changes to my swing, and the changed batting form seems to suit me.

As a result of practice, I “I’m happy that I’m hitting good balls in the game,” he said.

Kim Taek-woo emphasized the importance of defense as an infielder. He said, “I think batting is important

but I think we need to pay more attention to defense than to batting.

I don’t think we can play in games if our defense is unstable.

So I’m paying attention to handling ground balls and practicing a lot.” 고스톱사이트

He also said, “I practice a lot with (Park) Joo-chan, (Kim) Soo-yoon, and (Choi) Bo-seong, and I think practicing while talking to them also helps me learn a lot. The coach can’t help but watch. “I think I’m getting better results as I practice because my brothers talk about the parts,” he added.

Looking back on this season, Kim Taek-woo said, “I was having a good season by building up my body well at the beginning of the game, but I felt my stamina declining in the summer, so I think it was a bit of a disappointing year. And because I got injured, I was very disappointed that I couldn’t do my favorite sport. “It was time. I felt it was more disappointing not to be able to play due to injury than to have poor grades,” he said.

In addition, he said, “I used a lot more force when catching the ball on the defensive side than at the beginning of the season, but I am practicing with coach Ji Seok-hoon to catch the ball more smoothly, and it seems to have improved. I will continue to improve my handling.”

Lastly, Kim Taek-woo concluded the interview by saying, “I think the top priority is not to get hurt in the remaining games. I will prepare for what I felt this year from Camp 1 and do my best to clearly show it in Camp 2.”

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