bronze medal game against Netherlands Playing the bronze medal game against the U.S. on Tuesday The Korea National Under-18 Baseball […]
NC’s Son “will continue to be a steady
player” with 150 hits for 8th straight year Park surpasses Yong-Taek Park with 150 hits for 7th consecutive yearTied Lee […]
Hwang Sun-hong-ho, Kim Sang-bin, Kim
Shin-jin to be the top two goalkeepers against Kizugistan Kim Shin-jin protests the time delay of the opposing goalkeeper during […]
‘Park Chan-ho’s clutch hit’ Kia wins fourth
straight as Hanwha rings in leader LG Samsung wins 5-1 over Doosan Buchanan wins double digits for 4th straight yearLotte […]
Figure twins Kim Yoo-jae and Kim Yoo-sung
Win side-by-side Junior Grand Prix medals Kim Yoo-jae wins bronze at 3rd World Championships in TurkuyeYounger brother Kim Yoo Sung […]